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Pure water ultrasonic humidifier XC-3Z

Brief description:Name: pure water ultrasonic humidifier
Specification: XC-3Z
Humidification amount: ≥3kg
Applicable area: 30-80㎡

  • Product model:XC-3Z
  • Nature of manufacturer:manufacturer
  • Update time:2024-05-14
  • Number of enquiries: 1462

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品牌ZHONGYOU/ Zhongyou

Pure water ultrasonic humidifier XC-3Z

 名称: pure water ultrasonic humidifier
 规格: XC-3Z
 Humidification amount: ≥3kg
 Applicable area: 30-80㎡
 Product characteristicsUltrasonic atomizing humidifier is designed to be used in two ways。It can be suspended on the external wall, and can also replace the rubber wheel to adapt to the use of different conditions。Humidifier design with or without water protection and power automatic water intake, automatic control of water level function。
 Drainage mode: There is no water protection and power automatic water intake, automatic control of water level function
 Machine shape: can be suspended on the external wall, can also replace the rubber wheel to adapt to the use of different conditions

Pure water ultrasonic humidifier is a new generation of energy-saving, efficient, clean and hygienic humidifying and cooling equipment. Once launched, it has been rapidly promoted in many fields and has become the first choice to replace high-pressure spray humidifier, gas-water mixed humidifier, centrifugal mobile humidifier and many other humidifying types!
Pure water series ultrasonic humidifier uses an integrated atomizer inside,And equipped with no water protection device,The resulting fog particles are only 1-10 μm in diameter,It atomizes water quickly,The water mist is suspended in the air for a long time,CS series ultrasonic pure water humidifier no mechanical drive, no noise interference, no pollution,High atomization efficiency, low failure rate, low energy consumption and easy maintenance,It is an efficient, reliable and practical ultrasonic air quality regulation and humidification equipment。

Functional features:
1, the internal use of integrated atomization module, exchangeable chip, simple maintenance;
2. The diameter of the fog particles emitted by the whole machine is less than 10uF;
3, the maximum relative humidity can reach 99%, adjustable and controllable, with temperature display;
4, intelligent and accurate moisture control, using the best probe, control accuracy of more than ±3%;
5, flexible movement, easy installation, both mobile use and external wall hanging installation;
6, automatic control, manual control, timing control, according to your conditions to choose;
7, stainless metal box, clean and reliable, perennial use;
8, built-in more than 30 liters attached water tank, external tap water, external use of 18L barrel water;
9, water and electricity isolation, independent fan, safe and reliable;
10, the whole machine is equipped with water shortage and overflow indication;
11, open-door cover type, sliding type, easy to clean and maintain anytime and anywhere.
12, humidity control instrument can be separated remote control

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